Effort needed to prevent accidental drownings

Published 12:00 am Monday, June 9, 2003

Editor, the News-Herald:

It happened again, and it will happen again. I want the citizens of Suffolk to know how much it hurt on Tuesday night to see on the news reports about two separate deaths in the city following the discovery of bodies in the Hollywood and Riverview sections.

My nephew’s body (Alvin Richardson) was found in the Riverview section on Mother’s Day 1996. Last year, a young person drowned behind the Colander Bishop Apartments. Another sad day.

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When will the city put some kind of restraint or fence around these bodies of water? The city needs to put something up very soon.

To Mrs. Dorothy Ward’s family, my prayers, sympathy and respect go out to you. I’m very sorry this accident happened. Suffolk may not be able to stop different aspects of drowning in the city, however, it should try. We need to protect our citizens and make it safer around any open body of water.

Donald O. Richardson
