Why not volunteer?
Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 25, 2004
Last Sunday’s Suffolk News-Herald USA TODAY magazine section announced that National Volunteer Week, a 31-year tradition in the United States, was kicking off and that the nation as a whole should pause and consider why volunteers are important. The article went on to ask readers to look for ways to get involved in their communities because the need is greater than ever!
Six days later National Volunteer Week is coming to end and we ask all our readers a simple question: have you considered volunteering? If you have and you want to get involved who have you called to follow-up? Your intentions are great but if you don’t take the next step your abilities will never be used to help make our city, state and country a better place to live.
You will never know the joy of selflessly helping others. Concurrently, if you considered volunteering and decided not to we have to ask WHY? Two reasons are usually given…we’d like to address both!
Is it because you are too busy?
On the surface that is a good excuse, but if you looked hard and put down the remote or game controller couldn’t you find one hour to help the homeless, feed the hungry or help weed around your church?
Are you confused on who needs help?
This is an easy one to fix. This paper nominated Volunteer Hampton Roads as our community volunteer organization for recognition by USA TODAY magazine. If you are looking to put your talents to work give them a call, or go to their Web site.
Ever since the first National Volunteer Week occurred politicians and companies alike have made speeches, signed grand proclamations and actively participated, past the photo op, in work projects. Others like former President Jimmy Carter work quietly building homes. Regardless of your motivation we ask you to consider volunteering. Collectively, we can all make a difference and make this country an even greater place to live!