Resident grateful for Hall Place decision

Published 12:00 am Monday, August 8, 2005

Editor, the News-Herald:

The residents of Hall Place are grateful to the State and National Historic District Register for the decision to end the historic district application process that has strongly divided our neighborhood.

They clearly recognized the damage that has been done to Hall Place and just how important the healing process is at this time.

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We want to come together as a community.

A handful of bitter individuals, however, &uot;hell bent&uot; on derailing the healing process, have gone after the rights to our Hall Place Community Association name (that we have had since 1988), and made off with our meeting signs that we paid for and own.

They seem content to want to drag down the very community spirit that we have worked so hard to promote.

Their moves are spiteful and childish and will likely come back to haunt them, as we are currently taking appropriate action in this matter.

In closing, let me say that we thank all the good people throughout Suffolk who have been so supportive during these difficult times for Hall Place. The good news is our neighborhood is working hard to overcome adversity and build back, stronger that ever.

Sonny Lynn
