Aug. 25

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 30, 2005


-Obtaining money by false pretences, West Constance Road

-Possession illicit drugs, Woodcreek Court

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-Kidnapping, College Drive

-Discharging firearm in public, Nansemond Parkway

-Breaking and entering, Ben Street

-Annoying phone calls, Cripple Creek Lane

-Simple assault, Nansemond Parkway

-Aggravated assault, Wilson Street

-Gas drive-off, Pruden Boulevard

-Vandalism, Virginia Ham Drive

-Petit larceny, Governor’s Pointe Drive

-Hit and run, Manning Road, Copeland Road

-Hit and run, North Main Street

-Counterfieting, Godwin Boulevard

-Breaking and entering, North Fifth Street

-Theft, College Drive

-Hit and run, Lake Prince Drive

-Vandalism, General Pickett Drive

-Gas drive-off, Pruden Boulevard

-Throwing missiles at occupied vehicle, Hunter Street

-Credit card/ARM fraud, Dover Court

-Simple assault, Morgan Street

-Simple assault, Bright Lane

-Simple assault, Hunter Street

-Gas drive-off, Portsmouth Boulevard

-Destruction of property, Saint James Avenue


-Lennell Lenardo Hollomon, disorderly conduct

-Dijon Milton Poole, disorderly conduct

-William Lashaw Crocker, assault and battery

-Kristopher Anthony Nichols, failure to appear on felony charge

-Martin Lee Stovall, revocation of suspended sentence

-Hosie McKinley Williams, contempt of court

-Stephen Harley Barnes, failure to appear on misdemeanor charge

-Jonathan Keith Edwin Jones, driving under the influence of alcohol

-Michael Alonzo Boone, revocation of suspended sentence