Correcting an error

Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 29, 2006

I need to correct an error I made when I wrote the letter published in the April 27 issue of the Suffolk News-Herald. For some inexplicable reason n perhaps during a “Senior Moment” n I wrote that “David Jones” was a candidate for the Chuckatuck Borough seat on City Council instead of the real candidate, “David Gray.” I thought my error had been corrected through e-mail exchanges with the publisher, but the letter was published as I wrote it,

with the wrong name.

It remains my firm belief that David Gray should be elected on May 2, and I urge all voters in the Chuckatuck Borough to vote for him. I also call upon the person, or persons, who recently removed the dozen or so signs that Gray posted on my property on each side of Bridge Road to return them before the election. Just toss them in a pile in front of any one of those properties, and I’ll re-erect them n no questions asked.

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Joel Copeland’s very thoughtful letter in the April 27 issue of the Suffolk News-Herald deserves the attention of Holy Neck Borough voters. Mr. Copeland understands the axiom that actions speak louder than words, and he points out that what the incumbent in his borough now promises doesn’t square with that incumbent’s actions during his term on Council. From time immemorial, people who have ignored the lessons of history have repeated the mistakes of the past. Does it make good sense to judge the validity of a person’s promises, such as those made by an incumbent in any borough, based on what that person has done while on Council rather than what they say they will do if re-elected?

Copeland’s take on the “impact fees” repeatedly sought by the Holy Neck Borough incumbent, his mentors, and his real estate industry supporters, is right on! If Council had the ability to “Sock-It-To-developers” by adding impact fees to the cost of new houses, what impact would the resulting higher sales prices have on the assessments for the existing homes of existing residents? And who would actually pay such fees? You guessed it n the buyers of the new homes would pay the added fees, plus a profit for the developer. There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch!

I often read and enjoy the Sunday comic strip “Peanuts.” It seems that “Good Old Charlie Brown” n a thoroughly pleasant and trusting soul n has a burning desire to kick a football like a place-kicker does in a real game. Lucy repeatedly offers to hold the ball for Charlie to kick it n but at the last minute, she pulls the ball away, and poor Charlie does a back-flip when he kicks the empty air. In strip after strip, Lucy assures Charlie that, this time, she will not pull the ball away, but when Charlie naively believes her and runs full-tilt to make the kick n guess what, Lucy jerks the ball away, and Charlie flips over again.

Maybe one of the lessons-of-life that we could all learn from the “Peanuts” comic strip is that we lowly voters and taxpayers should not follow Charlie Brown’s example of trusting promises made by people with a history of failing to keep their promises.

Isn’t now a good time to vote the “Ins” “Out?”

C.L. Willis
