34 Years Ago
Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 28, 2006
Truman dead at 88; funeral Thursday
Kansas City, Mo. (UPI) n Harry S. Truman, 88, the 33rd American president, died today. The heart of the man from Missouri failed at the end of a 22-day battle against age and disease.
Death came at 7:50 a.m. (CST) as Truman lay in a deep coma in a sixth-floor room at Research Hospital, fighting with his usual courage to stay alive.
“The honorable Harry S. Truman, 33rd president of the United States, died at 7:50 a.m.,” the official medical statement said. “The cause of his death was a complexity of organic failure causing a collapse of the cardiovascular system.”
Bess Truman, 87, the former chief executive’s childhood sweetheart whom he married more than half a century ago, was at their mansion in nearby Independence, Mo., when her husband died.
Saddle club honors Jones
Jobie T. Jones hasn’t been doing much riding in shows in recent years but his behind-the-scenes influence hasn’t gone unnoticed among members of the Tri-County Saddle Club.
Last month, at the club’s regular monthly meeting, Jones was named by the awards committee as the recipient of the George S. Swain Memorial Trophy.
The trophy, honoring former Suffolk treasurer and prominent horsemen, is given each year to the outstanding member of the club.
“Although I have never seen Jobie Jones ride or drive a horse, I have seen the results of his work with horses and ponies through his wife, Marie, and his son, Randy,” said James C. Gabbert, committee chairman.
Shoe firm pledges aid to school
Lynn W. Holmes, president of Russell & Holmes Corp., has revealed that his company is contributing $5,000 to the Eastern Virginia Medical School drive for $1.5 million that ends this week.
Chris Mast in tournament
Christopher Mast, Suffolk’s’ 14 and 16 & Under Girls Singles champion who is ranked No. 6 in Virginia, has been invited to play in the first Richmond Junior Invitation Indoor Tournament this weekend.
Only eight players are invited in each age group for both boys and girls.
Former sheriff asks $500,000 in damages from Nansemond official
Former Nansemond Sheriff James C. Knight Jr., who resigned under fire in April 1970, late Friday filed suit against a Nansemond official seeking compensatory damages and another $400,000 in punitive damages.
The long-heralded suit, naming City Attorney Joshua Pretlow as defendant, was filed in Circuit Court by Knight’s lawyer, Grayson Fentress of Richmond. Pretlow, at the time of Knight’s resignation, was the county attorney.
Knight, a one-time welding shop operator, was sheriff a decade prior to his resignation.
V.P.I Club to hold Christmas German
The Christmas German of the V.P.I Peanut Club will be Tuesday night at the city auditorium. Music for the dance will be furnished by Jimmy Fuller and his University of N.C. orchestra.
Chaperones will be: Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Miles, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pittman, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Mehalko, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pruden, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Holland, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Darden, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cross, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Holland, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Harrell, Mrs. J. A. Parker, and Mr. O. S. Smith.
Officers of the club are: Hugh S. Miles, Jr., president. Clarence Pittman, vice president; L. Gilmer Evans, sec-tres., Horace H. Hines, sergeant at arms.
1937 good year in life insurance
“The year just closing has, on the whole, been a satisfactory one in the Life Insurance field,” declared Alfred L. Aiken, president of the New York Life Insurance Company. Mr. Aiken declined to make any prophesies or express any opinion concerning economic trends in 1938, but stated that while new paid insurance of the New York Life during 1937 exceeded that of 1936 by approximately $24,000,000 and was larger than the total in any of the past five years, he looks forward to a still larger volume in 1938.
“During 1937,” Mr. Aiken continued,” New York Life made new investments of more than $200,000,000 in bonds and more than $8,500,000 in preferred stocks. The latter were entirely industrial and public utility securities, while the bonds consisted very largely of U. S. Government, municipal and public utility issues.
Refers to Suffolk High Alumni Game
Tomorrow night in gym
“If Hawkins can hold me to 20 points tomorrow night, he’ll have turned in a good night’s work.
Arthur Jones, six foot two center, was doing the talking and his modest remarks were directed towards the basketball game which will be played tomorrow night in the high school gymnasium. At that time the present Suffolk high school Red Raiders will meet last year’s powerful combine of Jones, Humbert, Pearce, et al in the feature game of a double-decker high school alumni attraction.
The prileminary game tomorrow, starting at 7:30 p.m. will bring together Miss Emily Pittman’s Suffolk high sextet and an all-alumnae team.
Yes sir,” continued the Great One with customary modesty.” I should easily break through for 20. Haven’t had much practice lately, but after all when you get as good as I am, practice doesn’t matter much.”
Jones will be one of the cogs in last year’s great Suffolk high team which went through twenty games with only two defeats, neither in regularly schedule games. That team is considered the greatest in Suffolk high history.
Cotton ginnings up in Nansemond
Nansemond County increased its production of cotton by approximately 2,000 bales this year over 1936, it is indicated by ginning reports compiled by R. Carter Harrison for the U. S. Department of Commerece.
Mr. Harrison’s report of ginnings prior to Dec. 13, lists 7,038 bales
ginned this year as compared with 5,300 ginned prior to the same date in 1936.
With considerable cotton yet to be ginned, it is indicated that the increase of 1937 will approximately be 2,000 bales.
Norfolk county has shown a slight increase in ginning. On Dec. 13, Norfolk county had ginned 648 bales as compared with 600 bales ginned prior to the same date in 1936.