Your opinion counts

Published 8:53 pm Saturday, October 11, 2008

This year’s local election has all of Suffolk talking. It also has resulted in a rush of additional content for our editorial page, in the form of letters to the editor. The letters have covered a range of topics, from candidate endorsements to examinations of issues.

In a previous editorial, we stated that all candidate-endorsement letters would be due Oct. 10. However, we are extending the deadline for letter writers for two more weeks, making the last date to submit an endorsement letter to the editor Oct. 24.

We hope this extension will encourage a continuation of the spirited debate that has been taking place on this page in recent weeks. After all, that’s the purpose of the editorial page—to get the opinions of the community out in the open.

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Just remember to follow our letter and column submission guidelines. Contributors should seek to limit their submission to less than 400 words and to no more than one submission per person per month. Of course, we will continue to edit letters as appropriate for content.

So take the time and put your thoughts in writing. We’d love to have your letters and expect our readers will appreciate them just as much.