Police reports for December 26, 27, 28

Published 1:56 pm Tuesday, December 29, 2009


December 26

Violate protective order, Lee Street

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Vandalism of private property, Bradford Drive

Destruction of property, Townpoint Road

Vandalism of private property, Kennet Drive

Simple assault, Nansemond Parkway

Larceny – shoplifting, N. Main Street

Breaking and entering into a residence, Sawtooth Drive

Simple assault, N. Main Street

Obtain money by false pretenses, Nottingham Boulevard

Hit and run, Manning Road

Possession of marijuana, Factory Street and Jefferson Street

December 27

Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories, Godwin Boulevard

Petit larceny, Godwin Boulevard

Petit larceny, Townpoint Road

Threaten bodily harm, College Drive

Simple domestic assault, Truman Road

Breaking and entering into a residence, Great Fork Road

Simple domestic assault, S. Lloyd Street

Breaking and entering into a business, N. Main Street

Breaking and entering into a business, E. Pinner Street

Petit larceny, Nancy Drive

Larceny – shoplifting, Portsmouth Boulevard

Grand larceny, Maple Street

Theft from a motor vehicle, Pughsville Road

Vandalism of private property, Maple Street

Threatening phone calls, Pitchkettle Road

Hit and run, Burnetts Way

Breaking and entering into a residence, Brookwood Drive

Stalking, Bruce Farm Drive

Simple assault, N. Main Street

Kidnapping, no location given

Simple domestic assault, Route 164 and College Drive

Vandalism of private property, Belleharbour Circle

Threatening phone calls, College Drive

Concealed weapon, Nancy Drive

December 28

False information to police, Pine Street and W. Finney Avenue

Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories, Linden Avenue

Breaking and entering into a business, Park Drive

Theft from a motor vehicle, Nottingham Boulevard

Breaking and entering into a residence, Wexford Drive

Hit and run with property damage, Chestnut Street

Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories, N. Lloyd Street

Petit larceny, Kilby Avenue

Threaten to burn, Second Avenue

Vandalism of private property, Pinner Street

Undetermined death, Anna Goode Way

Annoying phone calls, Peachtree Drive

Simple domestic assault, Camellia Drive

Threatening phone calls, Godwin Boulevard


December 26

Geraldine Virginia Anderson, 55, drinking while operating a motor vehicle

Odell Eugene Fordham, 44, assault and battery of a family member

Jordan Dontrell Patrick, 18, profane swearing

David Lovell Outlaw, 39, public intoxication

Jovan Alex Flythe, 22, driving under the influence of alcohol

Odell Eugene Fordham, 44 violate protective order

Alan Powanzieo Riddick, 22, trespassing

Kesha Shanna Boone, 30, reckless driving – passing a stopped school bus

Barry Lee Hamlin, 26, possession of marijuana

December 27

Edward Dickerson Owens, 41, assault and battery of a family member

December 28

Marquis Durrell Jennings, 23, issuing bad checks for less than $200

Donathan Sean Early, 24, dumping trash on highway or private property

Darren Eugene Pierce, 39, falsely identify self to a law enforcement officer

Latarsha Lynette Manley, 21, simple assault and battery

Kevon Lamar Rountree, 22, manufacture, sale or possession of a controlled substance

Quinton Lee Deloatch, 46, simple assault and battery

George Joe Eure, 21, revocation of suspended sentence

James Thomas Davis, 45, no DOT number displayed

Chance Allen Williams, 24, simple assault and battery

Nekita Antonio White, 31, threats to bomb or damage a building

Antonio Levon Doucet, 43, assault and battery of a family member – third offense