It’s official: It’s hot

Published 9:39 pm Thursday, June 24, 2010

No matter where you were Thursday, you shared a common thought with the person next to you. Whether you drove down College Drive in North Suffolk or congested North Main Street, you were thinking the same thing as everyone else.

Yes, it was hot. According to the National Weather Service, Thursday’s high of 100 degrees was the hottest day so far this year, but not quite a record.

“We have had 100-degree days in May and 100-degree days earlier in June historically,” National Weather Service meteorologist Eric Seymour said. “But, today was much, much hotter than normal.”

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Seymour said the average temperature for June 24 is 91 degrees, which put Thursday’s century mark nine degrees higher than normal.

Construction crews, road crews, landscapers and anyone else whose job requires them to work outdoors for any length of time may have a break in the weather Friday, but that break means the temperatures will return to the low-, to mid-90s.

“Right now the entire Southeast is baking,” Seymour said. “We are going to get a little break Friday, but the heat is going to build right back up again over the weekend.”

According to a National Weather Service forecast for Suffolk, residents should expect temperatures close to 100 degrees again Sunday.

“We will see temperatures fall back to near-normal temperatures next week, but it is still hot,” he said.

Seymour also said the Service’s three-month forecast calls for a 37 percent chance that the remaining summer months will be above average.