Police reports for Oct. 12
Published 7:47 pm Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Oct. 12
Petit larceny, South 12th Street
Strong-armed robbery, Carolina Road
Possession of marijuana, Bennett’s Pasture Road/Kings Highway
Simple domestic assault, North Division Street
Theft from motor vehicle, Mill Landing Court
Traffic hazard, Copeland/Jackson roads
Grand larceny, South Saratoga Street
Petit larceny, West Washington Street
Hit and run, Bennetts Pasture Road/North Nansemond Drive
Attempted suicide, Burnetts Way
Threatening phone calls, Hardy Drive
Theft from motor vehicle, Mill Lane Quarter
Lost or stolen, Henley Place
Credit card/ATM fraud, Oyster Creek Drive
Break and enter, residential, North Division Street
Theft of motor vehicle parts and accessories, Spruce Street
Cruelty to animals, Spruce Street
Theft from motor vehicle, Riverfront Drive
Threatening phone calls, Fallawater Way
Threatening phone calls, Henley Place
Simple assault, Hill Street
Larceny of a firearm, Manning Road
Shooting at occupied vehicle, Freeney Avenue
Destruction of property, Myrick Avenue
Oct. 12
Christopher Nathaniel Davis, 29, possession of marijuana
Tory Jariel Mercer, 22, felonious assault
Brian Keith Savage, 30, assault and battery of family member
Alexander Williams, 28, contempt of court
Thomas Ray Gooch, 52, driving under the influence of alcohol
Tammy Simpkins Milteer, 28, issuing bad checks less than $200
Delvon Generold Boone, 23, trespassing
Charlie Cross, 27, break and enter with intent to commit felony
Tiffany Ann Trapani, 34, embezzlement less than $200