Pass the personhood bill
Published 8:25 pm Friday, January 27, 2012
To the editor:
I have to respond to the article “Personhood bill spurned by Virginia Democrats,” which appeared in your paper on Jan. 15.
First, it stated that the Democrats lashed out at House Bill 1, which would define a human embryo or fetus as a person under state law.
Are you kidding me? Why is that a question? Of course they are a person. Why wouldn’t unborn children have protectable interests in life, health and well-being? Aren’t they already protected when mothers go to the doctor and get checked and take their pre-natal vitamins?
Senator Donald McEachin calls this bill “an abhorrent attack on women’s rights.” I call killing unborn children an abhorrent attack on women’s and men’s rights.
And Delegate Charniele Herring said she considers the bill a distraction from problems such as poverty, joblessness, under-funded schools and roads needing repair.
Maybe if some of these unborn children had been protected before now, one of them that was killed could have made a difference in Washington to help solve the problems of poverty, joblessness and so on. They sure could use some help up there.
I pray this bill is passed.
Helen Gordon
South Hill