Grove plans fall festival
Published 8:53 pm Thursday, October 24, 2013
Grove Church, near North Suffolk in the Churchland part of Portsmouth, is hosting a festival Oct. 31 that church officials say will be a family friendly and safe alternative to Halloween.

Kiawna Brinson, a children’s minister at Grove Church in Portsmouth, is the coordinator of a fall festival on Oct. 31. It’s intended as a safe Halloween alternative, she said.
The event from 6 to 8:30 p.m. will have a county fair theme and involve a chili cook-off and bake-off contest, with prize ribbons for first, second and third, “as well as bragging rights on Grove’s Facebook page,” a news release says.
The event is coordinated by children’s minister Kiawna Brinson, who said other highlights will include a pie-eating contest and visit by the Buffalo Riders, an African-American equestrian team honoring the Buffalo Soldiers and black cowboys of the old West.
“We’re really excited about the Buffalo Riders,” Brinson said. “They’ll come out and do a little history.”
Last year’s event, which had a western theme, attracted 150 to 200 people, Brinson said.
It’s open to the public, Brinson said, and an evangelism team will greet guests.
“It’s an opportunity for families that are not involved to get involved and become members of the church,” she said.
Other listed event activities include a butter sculpture competition, harvest display competition, and s’mores by the bonfire.
Melvin O. Marriner, Grove’s senior pastor, stated the fall festival has grown and evolved over the years.
“Each year we try to put a fresh face on the festival, while looking for ways to make it inclusive for the entire family,” he said.
“This event is a safe, fun and inexpensive way for families to come out for some good wholesome fun and fellowship. It’s just one of the many ways that we try to meet the needs of people in our community.”
Kids and their family members can feel free to come in costume, Brinson said.
“We just ask them not to wear anything scary,” she said.
Folks are also encouraged bring non-perishable food items for Grove’s food pantry.