The truth will remain unknown

Published 10:09 pm Saturday, December 14, 2013

To the editor:

On Thursday, a majority from the School Board succeeded in shutting down a process that would have given the board enough factual information to eventually make an intelligent decision on whether or not to outsource our custodial services.

The majority succeeded in implying that those of us who wanted to pursue the facts on outsourcing are racists or “Uncle Toms.” The majority of our custodians are Africans-Americans, so the majority suggested there could be nothing else to think but that we want to deprive our custodians of a living because they are black.

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Those voting to shut down the outsourcing analysis succeeded in flooding the discussion with melodramatic pleas to shame us out of discovering the facts surrounding this issue. They even made outright false statements that our custodians would certainly lose their jobs and fringe benefits if we outsourced the custodial services.

They succeeded in leaving the impression that we would rather maintain the status quo, i.e. that some of our schools are below the standard of cleanliness, than lose the members of the Suffolk Public Schools “family” we are supporting — yes supporting, because if our buildings are not clean, then some of our “family” members are shirking their duties.

Apparently, that is OK with the majority on the School Board.

In the end the Board succeeded in denying its constituents the truth. The truth is that perhaps outsourcing is the best way to cut costs, or the truth is that perhaps it is not.

Either way, School Board majority has succeeded in putting the truth beyond our grasp — for now.

Linda Bouchard

School Board Member

Chuckatuck Borough