You Asked: Work on North Main Street
Published 6:59 pm Saturday, January 25, 2014
You Asked: Why are they tearing up North Main Street again? Does Public Utilities not know what they are doing? — J.B.
Answer: Public Utilities Director Al Moor says the section of pipe currently being repaired on North Main Street is not the same section that was worked on in 2010.
Although it’s roughly the same section of road that’s closed, the section of pipe being repaired is adjacent to what was done in 2010, he said.
Because Public Works is hoping to repave North Main Street, Public Utilities recently sent cameras into its pipes to make sure there were no problems that would later necessitate tearing up the new pavement for repairs, Moor said this week.
“We found about 180 feet of cracked pipe through that area,” he said. “Obviously, we wanted to repair that before it was resurfaced in case we had any issues in the future. We wouldn’t want to be cutting a new paved street.”
The work was initially set for Jan. 13-21, but bitter cold and then snow have set the project back a few days, Moor said.