Taking steps against obesity

Published 9:14 pm Monday, February 24, 2014

To the editor:

Regarding “A healthy step at OES” (Editorial, Feb. 20, 2014), to stop the increase of obesity and diabetes, Americans must find the motivation to not succumb to the factors that lead to obesity. Those factors include of restaurants and fast-food businesses and the growth of technology that contributes to Americans’ lack of activity.

Obesity in the youth of America is steadily rising. Because of this, schools are encouraged to serve foods that meet nutritional standards, and they have been encouraged to add objectives and after-school activities that cause the students to be physically active. Students also are becoming more adapted to the constant push to stay active. These factors should help reduce the rate of obesity in children.

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Obesity kills millions of Americans every year, but many organizations are working now to put an end to this problem. These organizations encourage youth and adults to eat healthy, balanced diets and to get regular exercise. Along with proper nutrition, 60 minutes of activity also contributes to the decreased risk of both obesity and osteoporosis.

Many Americans have also resorted to purchasing exercise programs they have seen advertised on television in pursuit of the rapid results promised by the producers of those programs. Use of these exercise programs can also decrease obesity by encouraging Americans to “move.”

America is attempting to make a quick response to the obesity epidemic, and we can be hopeful those attempts will help stop the problem before it’s completely out of hand.

Alexis N. Powell
