Cheer Fund buys $30,000 of toys
Published 8:03 pm Saturday, December 12, 2015

Angela Myrick arranges donated Toys for Tots in the Salvation Army gymnasium on Friday while helping to set up the toy store.
Christmas will be made for hundreds of Suffolk families this week when they are able to get toys from the Salvation Army and the Toys for Tots campaign.
The gymnasium at the Salvation Army is filled to bursting with toys donated at boxes around town as well as purchased with about $30,000 of Cheer Fund money.
“Without the Cheer Fund, we wouldn’t have all this,” said Capt. Shauntrice Anthony, waving her hand at half of the gymnasium stacked with dolls, trucks, art kits and more. “The Salvation Army greatly appreciates the Cheer Fund.”
Monday and Tuesday, the Salvation Army’s gymnasium will be open to families who have been approved to receive toys. On Wednesday, make-up appointments will be held for those who were unable to make their first appointment.
Those hoping to volunteer should call 539-5201 to see if and when they will be needed, as a number of volunteers already are scheduled.
“We’re ready for Monday,” Anthony said.
About 720 families are set to receive toys, and about 150 seniors will receive food baskets through the Salvation Army.
Though the toy donations went well this year, the Cheer Fund still provides the bulk of the toys handed out to the parents who pick up gifts for thousands of children.
“They have enabled us to have Christmas for those 722 families,” Anthony said. “Thank you to the Cheer Fund.”
Donations for the Cheer Fund are accepted year-round, and the annual drive is going on now.
Donations to the Cheer Fund are printed in the Suffolk News-Herald and can be made in honor of or in memory of a loved one. The donor can be listed anonymously if he chooses. The donor can also have his photograph taken giving the check to be published in the newspaper.
To give, write a check payable to the Cheer Fund and mail it to P.O. Box 1220, Suffolk, VA 23439, or stop by our office at 130 S. Saratoga St. Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.