We’re all cracked clay pots
Published 9:37 pm Wednesday, February 10, 2016
By Tonya S. Swindell
My friend, Carolyn, says we’re all just a bunch of cracked clay pots because of our brokenness.
But I’m glad there’s a Potter Who is able to put our broken pieces back together again. For we are God’s masterpiece; and He created us to experience good things that He planned for us a long time ago.
Recently Charles Stanley talked about “The Good Side of Inadequacy.” He said our weakness “provides the Lord the opportunity to demonstrate what He can do with little.” He also said our inadequacies “allow God to receive all the glory.”
Despite challenges we’ve faced and mistakes we’ve made, I believe God considers everyone to be of great worth.
When I think about the value God consistently places on our lives, I’m reminded of an inspiring story that a chaplain once shared with me. Sometimes I read it to veterans when I facilitate groups as an occupational therapist.
The story talks about a speaker who holds up a $20 bill and shows it to his audience, then asks: “Who would like to have this $20 bill?” Everyone raises their hands. The speaker then crumples up the $20 bill, stomps it into the ground, picks it back up and asks: “Who still wants this $20 bill?” Again all hands go up in the air.
The audience was aware the bill never lost its value, even though it was noticeably crumpled and creased. Despite the condition of the bill, every person still wanted it.
The story illustrates that God is aware of our true value and still wants us, even when we feel battered, beaten or crumpled.
Our value remains consistent in the eyes of our Maker. God prizes us, so our worth has not been diminished by what we’ve experienced. We are still God’s masterpieces.
It’s good to know that God’s light and power can show through our weak bodies. Then everyone can see that the power within us must be from God and not from ourselves. And once God’s Spirit enters our hearts, He can transform us so that our lives may become brighter and more beautiful.
Eventually we may realize that God desires to bring us through difficulties because of His grace and mercy, not because of how strong or good we are. He may also give us a different perspective on our weaknesses that allows us to say, “I am strong,” despite how weak we feel.
Even though I’m like a cracked clay pot, I’m glad I can go to the Potter’s house and receive healing, love, salvation and deliverance that will slowly transform me into God’s masterpiece. I believe Tramaine Hawkins sang it best when she extended this invitation:
You who are broken, stop by the Potter’s House.
You who need mending, stop by the Potter’s House.
Because the Potter wants to put you back together again.
Tonya Swindell writes a blog for www.inspirenewlife.org and a teacher for Kingdom Building Equipping School (KBES.com). She can be reached at 1brightot@gmail.com.