Lip Sync Challenge is loads of fun

Published 5:32 pm Saturday, July 28, 2018

Social media challenges seem to be getting more fun through the years.

There was the Ice Bucket Challenge of summer 2014 (am I the only one that thought it would have been more of a challenge during the winter?), which raised $115 million for the ALS Association.

There was the Mannequin Challenge in fall 2016, which saw widespread participation from lots of folks who know how to stay very still in odd positions.

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Then there’s been the ones that are just dangerous or silly, like planking and the Cinnamon Challenge.

But this summer has seen the Law Enforcement Lip Sync Challenge, and the results have been superbly enjoyable.

It first blew up in this area with Norfolk Police Department, which did an amazing one-take lip sync to the upbeat “Uptown Funk.”

As much as I loved Norfolk Police Department’s video, my favorite so far has got to be the fire department from Paris, Texas, which was challenged by the police department in their town. If you haven’t seen it yet, look it up. It’s delightful. Who says firefighters can’t get in on the fun?

It took quite some time for Suffolk Police Department to get challenged, but then it finally happened twice in pretty short order. First they got challenged by the police department in Oshkosh, Wis., where Dean Smith, a former deputy chief in Suffolk, is now chief of police.

Then a little closer to home, the Virginia Beach Police Department also challenged Suffolk’s police department.

They’ve accepted the challenge, and based on the nutty preview the police department released on social media last week, combined with the fun night of involving the community at Bennett’s Creek Park on Friday, it looks like Suffolk Police Department’s video is going to be a great show.

Some killjoys think the police should be focusing on more important things, but a lot of the participants are doing so on their time off. Plus, you have to wonder what could be more important for law enforcement than building relationships with their community.

The national news frequently carries all sorts of examples of the things that can happen when law enforcement does not have a good relationship with its community. These poor relationships can turn fatal, but the hidden cost is the many crimes that do not get solved because citizens are not willing to cooperate with their local law enforcement.

The Law Enforcement Lip Sync Challenge isn’t going to be a magic spell that automatically gives U.S. police departments, sheriff’s offices and others a great relationship with their communities. But these fun videos certainly can’t hurt. It shows the officers are human and like to cut up and have fun just like everybody else.