Jen Jaqua, Author at The Suffolk News-Herald - Page 6 of 12


Column – Digging deeper for coffee

In 1977, Suffolkians proved that no price was too high for coffee. A random sample of restaurants, lunch counters and grocery stores in Suffolk indicated ... Read more

by Jen Jaqua, Tuesday, August 1, 2023 4:31 pm


Column – Growing and developing

In 1975 and ’76, the new city of Suffolk was growing and developing quickly. With the economy recovering, residents looked to the future for new ... Read more

by Jen Jaqua, Tuesday, July 25, 2023 5:13 pm


Public comments accepted on Dominion rate review

The State Corporation Commission is offering time for the public to give oral comments by telephone on Dominion Energy Virginia’s 2023 biennial review of rates. ... Read more

by Jen Jaqua, Friday, July 21, 2023 5:32 pm


Column – Moving forward

The new city of Suffolk was now Virginia’s largest, so Chesapeake had to revise its claim as the state’s largest. Chesapeake decided to stake its ... Read more

by Jen Jaqua, Tuesday, July 18, 2023 4:59 pm


Column – A bigger and better Suffolk

1972 saw a continuation of the Vietnam War, despite multiple attempts at peace talks. In March, the U.S. command said it was sending home 4,940 ... Read more

by Jen Jaqua, Tuesday, July 11, 2023 4:41 pm


Column – Emerging from the darkness

In March of 1970, the sun went out, or so it seemed. On March 7, about 5,000 amateur astronomers and some professional skywatchers visited the ... Read more

by Jen Jaqua, Tuesday, July 4, 2023 1:42 pm


Column – Giant leap for mankind

During an annual dinner meeting in 1969 for the Suffolk Nansemond County Chamber of Commerce, Richard S. Gillis Jr., executive director of the Virginia State ... Read more

by Jen Jaqua, Tuesday, June 27, 2023 6:22 pm


Column – A path to the future

Not all news from the end of the 1960s was turmoil and strife.  Read more

by Jen Jaqua, Tuesday, June 20, 2023 4:47 pm


SCA, Sheriff’s Office partner to honor fathers

The children of Suffolk Christian Academy teamed up with the Suffolk Sheriff’s Office to share their creativity and celebrate the fathers that reside in the ... Read more

by Jen Jaqua, Thursday, June 15, 2023 7:28 pm


Column – Conflict on every corner

The years of 1967 and 1968 were rife with protests and turmoil around the nation. News from the front lines in Vietnam was grim. Daily, ... Read more

by Jen Jaqua, Tuesday, June 13, 2023 4:28 pm

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