Police reports for March 18

Published 9:06 pm Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 18


Identity theft, Pin Oak Drive

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Simple domestic assault, Chisholm Lane

Simple domestic assault, Godwin Boulevard

Liquor law violations, Turlington Road

Annoying phone calls, Nancy Drive

Obtain money by false pretenses, Bridge Road

Motor vehicle theft, Lawson Circle

Larceny – shoplifting, North Main Street

Petit larceny, North Main Street

Petit larceny, North Main Street

Recovered stolen auto, North Capital Street

Attempted suicide, Dutch Road

Breaking and entering into a residence, Pughsville Road

Embezzlement, North Main Street

Annoying phone calls, East Washington Street

Breaking and entering into a residence, Bethlehem Street

Runaway juvenile, Portsmouth Boulevard

Trespassing, Spencer Court

Hit and run, College Drive

Runaway juvenile, Waterwheel Crescent


Jennifer Sue Leavitt, 29, concealment, price alter of merchandise valued at less than $200 (M)

Sheaquan Jemel Darden, 24, assault and battery of a family member (M)

Theresa Lynn Brinkley, 50, assault and battery of a family member (M)

Adam Foster Brinkley, 31, contempt of court (M)

Shaun Anthony Woodhouse, 35, failure to comply with support obligations (M)

Celestine Marie Riley, 22, credit card theft (F)

John P. Messier, 47, trespassing (M)

Naomi Nichelle Lambert, 21, obstructing justice (M)

M – Misdemeanor

F – Felony