Good job – now enforce it
Published 8:57 pm Saturday, September 20, 2008
Several residents who live on Pittmantown Road – a narrow, undivided two-lane road – showed up at the City Council meeting Wednesday night to make their case for restricting through truck traffic on the road.
“I just feel like it’s a big accident just waiting to happen,” said resident Louis Kalwhite.
Other residents agreed with Kalwhite that they feared they would be involved in an accident. The road is heavily traveled by tractor-trailers, and residents said they do not think the road is wide enough to handle them.
After hearing from the residents, City Council voted unanimously to restrict through truck traffic.
We’re pleased that council decided to listen to their constituents. A situation like the one described by those in attendance is fraught with danger, and council took action in time to prevent many possible collisions. Kalwhite said he often takes a different route home to avoid what he fears will be a head-on meeting with a Mack truck.
However, simply making a new ordinance won’t be enough. It must be enforced, especially in the first few months, to ensure trucks are taking a detour around the road. We certainly hope the police department will receive the resources necessary from council for the appropriate enforcement to take place.