Time to pay your taxes
Published 9:45 pm Wednesday, December 3, 2008
If you haven’t paid your real estate and property taxes by now, it’s time to get them in the mail.
Suffolk residents who own personal or commercial real estate should pay half their real estate tax to the treasurer’s office by Friday, said City Treasurer Ron Williams.
Residents who own vehicles such as cars, trucks, boats, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, airplanes, and machinery should pay the full amount by Friday.
Residents who own real estate or personal property should have received bills in the mail informing them how much they owe, Williams said.
People can pay their taxes by cash at either the downtown or North Suffolk treasurer’s offices, by check or money order in person, at a drop box or through the mail, or by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover) in person, online, or by telephone.
Residents should pay by Friday to avoid penalties such as late fees and interest, Williams said. Those who delay payment could also face collection actions, he said.
Property and real estate taxes are two of the city’s main funding streams, Williams said. It is important they be paid on time.
“It is critical that the taxes be paid,” he said. “That is the lifeblood of the city.”
Payments being mailed should be postmarked by Dec. 5. Mail payments to Ronald H. Williams, Treasurer, P.O. Box 1583, Suffolk, VA 23439. To pay by telephone, call 1-888-2PAY-TAX.
For more information, or to pay online, visit www.suffolk.va.us/trsr.