Take time for what’s important

Published 11:23 pm Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Today is Christmas Eve, perhaps the busiest and most exciting day of the year. But this Christmas for many families has proven challenging, considering the recession America is enduring. Many families are suffering from layoffs, while others strive to keep their heads above water financially, and many just can’t afford to continue buying for the numerous relatives and friends on their long Christmas shopping lists. All that can be very distressing.

With that in mind, let’s remember that Christmas isn’t about money, the state of the economy or even politics. This isn’t a time when we should let ourselves get down for not being able to afford the nicest of toys or that “something special.”

Instead, recognize that Christmas is a yearly reminder that what matters is what one holds dear. Christmas conveys to us annually the needs and rewards of being close to loved ones and recalling the purpose for the holiday season. No matter your faith or financial status, Christmas is a time when love and kindness should be abundant.

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So, take the time for reflection, take time to appreciate and enjoy this Christmas Eve and Day. Focus on the best investment possible — your friends and family.