Resolutions for the city
Published 9:28 pm Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Today is the beginning of a new year. With it, come resolutions and commitments to improve one’s personal and professional life. Millions of Americans will start this day with a vigorous effort to quit smoking, exercise more, save money and more.
In the spirit of the season, it seems appropriate to outline a few New Year’s resolutions for the city of Suffolk. In no particular order, the News-Herald offers the following resolutions and goals for the city leadership to consider:
1. Hire a new police chief.
2. Hire a new director of finance.
3. Approve the CenterPoint development.
4. Meet with the School Board to discuss important issues, including the proposed combination of Robertson and Southwestern Elementary schools, which would be a mistake.
5. Get the assessments right the first time, and make them fair, taking into consideration real market values.
6. Hire a new downtown development director, someone whose role it is to ensure vitality for Suffolk’s downtown.
7. Move forward on securing the general obligation bond to improve Suffolk’s transportation problems.
Although millions of resolutions are made each year, many fall by the wayside soon after they’re made. The city of Suffolk would improve an already exceptional quality of life by setting these seven goals for itself and resolving to carry through with them.