What is news to you?

Published 10:22 pm Saturday, March 7, 2009

Newspapers play a vital role in the communities they serve. Case in point, for Suffolk, the News-Herald seeks to be a mirror image of the city it covers and has a responsibility to publish relevant and interesting news and information. Sometimes that news can be considered good or positive and sometimes it is, well, not so good. The bad or negative news often finds its way to the newsroom, but the good news take a little more effort to gather and cover. That’s where the readers come in. The News-Herald needs readers’ help in sharing all the good newsworthy items with its customers. The best means of doing this is by soliciting news and information from the very readers who are the lifeblood of the newspaper.

The News-Herald’s goal is to provide a forum for sharing opinions, stories and pictures. Let the newspaper know what you think. Are Suffolk’s elected officials doing a good job? Are certain issues more important than others? Let the News-Herald know.

The News-Herald is always looking for pictures of residents of Suffolk doing what they enjoy, whether that’s fishing, hunting or children jumping rope.

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Random acts of kindness are reader favorites too and the newspaper is always looking for these positive stories. If there is someone who goes out of their way to help others or makes a difference in the Suffolk community, then tell the News-Herald so the newspaper can share their stories with more than 30,000 readers.

The News-Herald also appreciates receiving readers’ special announcements – weddings, births, anniversaries, family reunions and so on. The Suffolk News-Herald is the source for Suffolk news and information. In order to do that better than anyone else, it takes a little effort by the newspaper’s customers and readers to help tell the story. Consider what you can do to help the newspaper tell the story of Suffolk and its people. To reach the newspaper, call 539-3437 or e-mail news@suffolknewsherald.com