Market Faire to support CHKD
Published 10:28 pm Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Shopping is one good thing.
Shopping for a good cause is another good thing, all to itself.
That’s what the women of the Circle of Smiles are hoping people will come out to do on Thursday.
The Circle of Smiles is a Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters circle organization that aims to support the hospital through its fundraising and volunteer efforts.
This circle was founded three years ago and has members throughout Hampton Roads, including some in Suffolk and Virginia Beach.
Last year, when the women were thinking of an annual fundraiser, they came up with the idea of a night of shopping, with local vendors and businesses donating their time and offering profits to CHKD.
A number of the circle members work at the TowneBank in Harbour View, and management even offered up the bank’s facilities for the event. The first Circle of Smiles Market Faire drew more than 100 customers and raised close to $3,000 for CHKD.
This year, it’s back.
“Hopefully we’ll have an even bigger turnout this year,” said Sara Twiford, leader of the Circle.
On Thursday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., more than a dozen vendors will be set up at the Towne Bank, selling everything from hand-blown glass and photographs to personal accessories.
“We have a little bit of everything,” Twiford said. “It’s like our own little bazaar.”
Tickets for the event are $10 in advance and $15 at the door.
There will be a silent auction in addition to the vendor’s booths, and refreshments will be served.
Twiford expects the event to be fun, and it comes just in time for last-minute Mother’s Day shopping. But she said it all goes back to mission of the circle.
“As a circle for CHKD, we are supposed to be advocates for CHKD, so that’s we’re doing,” Twiford said. “We just want to raise money and get people together.”
For more information on the event, contact Sara Twiford at 757-639-1650 or email