City steps up mosquito control

Published 9:16 pm Monday, May 18, 2009

Suffolk officials have responded to recent rainfall levels by increasing their efforts at fighting back against one of the primary side effects of warm-weather precipitation: mosquitoes.

Suffolk Mosquito Control reports an increase in springtime mosquito populations, largely as a result of increasing areas of standing water, according to a city press release.

Intensifying their surveillance of adult and larval mosquitoes in light of recent rainfall, officials also have increased treatment of standing-water incubators and have stepped up evening spray applications designed to kill adult mosquitoes, according to Suffolk spokeswoman Debbie George.

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The city also offered a number of suggestions for avoiding or repelling the irritating and potentially dangerous biting insects.

4Remain indoors during times of greatest mosquito activity — from one hour before dusk to one hour after dawn.

4Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, shoes, socks and light-colored clothing during times of high mosquito activity.

4Avoid using perfumed soaps, sprays or other sweet-smelling formulations that can attract the insects.

4Use insect repellents containing DEET, but follow directions carefully, and avoid using DEET on children under 2.

4Empty water-holding containers such as buckets, drums, bottles, tin cans, wheelbarrows, potted plant trays, tires and so forth.

4Clear roof gutters, downspouts and corrugated back drainpipes to allow water to drain from them.

4Clean wading and swimming pools.

4 Drain water from tarps.

4 Place mosquito dunks in stagnant water areas around your home, including ditches and low-lying areas.

Suffolk offers free Mosquito Dunks (one per citizen each month) at local fire stations and at the reception desk at the city’s Municipal Center, 441 Market St.