Swim coach to serve 1 year for porn

Published 11:46 pm Friday, May 22, 2009

A former Suffolk swim coach will spend a year in jail for sending explicit pictures to teenage boys via cell phone.

Jeffrey Steven Woodyard, a former coach at the Nansemond Swim Club, was sentenced Thursday to 12 years in prison, with all but 12 months suspended. He pleaded guilty in February to three counts of producing pornography and three counts of using a communication device to do so. Five counts of indecent liberties with children younger than 18 were dropped as part of a plea agreement.

The charges stemmed from complaints registered with Child Protective Services in June 2008. Woodyard was arrested in August after an investigation revealed he had used his cell phone to send sexually explicit photographs to teenage members of his swim team and lifeguards at the swim club. He had encouraged the boys to send pictures back to him. At least one boy did. Police later recovered the photograph and entered it into evidence at the trial.

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Judge Westbrook Parker ordered that Woodyard will be on supervised probation for six years following his release, and that he have no contact with any of the victims. He also must complete sex offender treatment and a sexual history polygraph test. He cannot have a cell phone that has access to the Internet or text messaging, and he cannot socialize with people under the age of 18. He must be supervised if he is at an event where minors are present.

He also is required by state law to register as a sex offender with the Virginia State Police.