Police reports for Oct. 27
Published 6:01 pm Wednesday, October 28, 2009
October 27
Annoying phone calls, Holy Neck Road
Lost or stolen property, Mahlon Avenue
Destruction of property, Martin Road
Destruction of property, Martin Road
Simple domestic assault Bridge Road
Simple assault, Mahan Street
Petit larceny, E. Washington Street
Runaway juvenile, Oak Manor Court
Simple domestic assault, Holladay Street
Forcible sodomy, Godwin Boulevard
Simple assault, Brookwood Drive
Derek Eugene Jenkins, 32, concealment, price alter – merchandise valued at less than $200
Shawnas Moore, 33, keeping a dog over six months old without a city license
Shawnas Moore, 33, revocation of suspended sentence
Kareem Ali McCray, 25, contempt of court
Darrel Montez Moseley, 32, murder – first degree
Jessica Lenise Ricks, 19, concealment, price alter – merchandise valued at less than $200