Church changing name to reflect position in community

Published 12:02 am Saturday, October 31, 2009

When Calvary Revival Church Suffolk first opened its doors two years ago, it was a church planted by the members of Calvary Revival Church in Norfolk.

Many thought the Suffolk church was a satellite of the Norfolk church. However, it always has been a separate, autonomous church, says its pastor, Harold McPherson.

This weekend, the church will change its name, clarifying what has always been, McPherson said.

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“The name change simply serves to clarify it is an independent church,” McPherson said. “Many have been under the impression that we were a satellite or extension church, but that’s just never been the case,” McPherson said. “The name change just clarifies that.”

The new church name, Covenant Community Church, will be unveiled in a special service on Sunday at 10 a.m. at the church, 3504 Rob’s Drive. Workers were there all day Friday installing new signs on the building.

McPherson said nothing about the church is changing, other than the name.

“It’s the same church, same pastor, same people, same affiliation,” McPherson said. “This just helps to bring clarity to the community concerning who we are and what we are. It just really fits who we have become here in Suffolk.”

The church has swelled to about 400 members since its arrival in Suffolk, McPherson said. Services are conducted each Sunday at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Wednesday services are held the second and fourth Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. at the church. The third Wednesday of the month, small groups meet in members’ homes, and first Wednesdays are designated as “family night,” when couples and families are encouraged to spend time together at home.

McPherson said the name change will help clear up confusion in the community, and be easier for identification purposes.

“This will serve to clarify some things and solidify our identity within the community,” McPherson said. “We see it as a very positive thing for us here.”

For more information on Covenant Community Church, call 539-1724.