Cheer Fund needs donations
Published 6:55 pm Saturday, December 5, 2009
When making out your Christmas shopping list, don’t forget to put the Cheer Fund at the top.
“Giving to the Cheer Fund helps buy the toys, and it’s very important,” said Maj. Cal Clatterbuck, with the Suffolk Corps of the Salvation Army.
The Suffolk News-Herald collects money each year to help the Salvation Army and Marine Corps buy toys for Toys for Tots, which aims to help every underprivileged child have a gift to open on Christmas Day.
“The toys are very important,” Clatterbuck said, adding that more money spent buying toys means less money that can be spent on other outreach programs the Salvation Army conducts.
“It’s important, because it covers a lot of area,” Clatterbuck said.
Every dollar donated to the Cheer Fund gets the fund that much closer to its goal of $45,000, which will help buy toys for thousands of children. Clatterbuck said he has never seen the residents of Suffolk fail to come through.
“The city of Suffolk takes care of the city of Suffolk,” Clatterbuck said. “You get concerned, but when it all comes down, people are always coming through at the last minute.”
With Cheer Fund donations so far this year lagging behind past years, Clatterbuck hopes the trend of the city’s coming through in a pinch continues.
“This is the only place I’ve been you really don’t have to worry,” he said.
Clatterbuck does realize, however, that all charities are struggling this year. Donations at red kettles in front of retail locations are down this year, as well, he said.
“It’s just bad everywhere. I don’t know who is up.”
To make a donation to the Cheer Fund, mail your check made out to “Cheer Fund” to the Suffolk News-Herald, P.O. Box 1220, Suffolk, VA 23439, or hand-deliver it to the office at 130 S. Saratoga St. Donations from organizations and in honor or in memory of someone are welcome.