Commercial trash pickup curtailed
Published 9:47 pm Friday, June 25, 2010
Commercial trash pickup in the downtown business district soon will move to two days a week rather than three.
The change is part of an effort to save about $210,000 in the fiscal year that starts next week by restructuring the way trash is collected in the city.
“We can live with it, I guess,” downtown advocate and business owner Andy Damiani said. “I guess we can manage OK.”
Trash in the downtown business district currently is picked up on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. However, beginning July 6, trash will be picked up on Tuesdays and Fridays.
The changes will help the city save money, because Monday is being eliminated as a pickup day, meaning there will be less overtime, fewer trips to the landfill and lower mileage costs. It also prevents trash collectors from having to work on a Saturday when there is a Monday holiday.
Damiani, the leader of the Downtown Business Association, said he had not heard much feedback from fellow business owners, but did not think many of them knew of the change.
“We haven’t really spread the word,” he said, adding that there hasn’t been much publicity from the city about the change. “I don’t know why they waited so late to send out a flyer. Some people take forever to conform to anything.”
Trash collection around the city will change, as routes are adjusted for the new four-day workweek. Check the July 3 edition of the Suffolk News-Herald for a list of the routes and their new collection days.
Customers with questions about the change should call 514-7630.