Bible schools still available
Published 7:30 pm Friday, July 30, 2010
Vacation Bible schools across the city have provided a safe and fun resource for hundreds of children already this summer.
However, several more Bible schools still are scheduled for August, so children and adults can get their fill of Bible school before regular school begins again.
Bible schools that have already been held include one by a four-church downtown cooperative, which wrote its own curriculum.
“I thought it went wonderfully,” Lou Ventura said of the school. “It was outstanding.”
That Bible school was sponsored by West End Baptist Church, Suffolk Christian Church, Suffolk Presbyterian Church and Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church.
“I think the thing that’s unique about our Bible school is the multi-denominational aspect,” said Cindy Robinson, chairman of the VBS.
Like many vacation Bible schools, the cooperative had several service-learning components this year. Collections and a dessert auction benefited Casa Esperanza (House of Hope), a mission serving migrant workers on the Eastern Shore. Attendees also mixed, baked, wrapped and delivered cookies to firefighters.
“That was pretty amazing,” Robinson said. “Our kids got a really big kick out of that. It was just such a small thing to do, but for the kids to know they were reaching out with love to someone in our community. A couple of them said that was the best thing they did the whole week.”
In addition, the adult classes had opportunities to meet people from different churches.
“That was really meaningful for a lot of people,” Robinson said.
For Ventura, the most significant part of the Bible school was the partnership with other churches.
“It is truly one of the most spiritual things I’ve ever done,” she said. “I just feel so close to these people now because we went through such a wonderful experience.”
Other vacation Bible schools have been ongoing in recent weeks, including ones at Metropolitan Baptist Church and Oakland Christian Church, both of which also completed projects to help their neighbors. At Metropolitan Baptist, children and teens cleaned up a nearby park and delivered canned goods to their neighbors in exchange for recyclable items. Oakland Christian Church donated snacks, office and cleaning supplies to the Western Tidewater Free Clinic, which serves people in Western Tidewater who do not have health insurance.
If you’d still like to attend a vacation Bible school this summer, look into one of the ones below.
Holy Neck Christian Church, 4400 Holy Neck Road, will have vacation Bible school Aug. 2-6 from 8:30 to 11:45 a.m. each day. Classes for 3-year-olds through fifth-graders. Call 986-4731 or 642-2429 for more information.
Faith, Hope and Love Ministries and New Jerusalem Holiness Church will have vacation Bible school Aug. 2, 5 and 6 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. nightly. There will be classes for all ages, arts and crafts and refreshments. The theme is “Soul Survivors on Danger Island.” All activities will take place at 168 Tynes St. Call 925-0482 for more information.