IWA student charged with bringing loaded gun to school

Published 10:30 pm Wednesday, November 10, 2010

By Gwen Albers

The Tidewater News

An Isle of Wight Academy student faces a felony charge for allegedly bringing a loaded .22-caliber handgun to school.

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The 16-year-old was arrested Tuesday and charged with possession of a firearm on school property. He was  taken to Tidewater Detention Home in Chesapeake, said Isle of Wight County Sheriff’s Investigator Tommy Potter. Police would not identify the boy because of his age.

The Sheriff’s Department learned the junior allegedly had the gun at school on Monday, Potter said.

“We got some information late Monday evening that he may have possibly had it at school on Monday and may have it again Tuesday first thing,” Potter said.

Investigators were at the school Tuesday morning, where the gun was recovered. Potter would not say where the gun was found or the youth’s intentions because the investigation is continuing.

Isle of Wight Academy Headmaster Benjamin Vaughan said he had heard the boy “just wanted to impress some of his peers.”

“He didn’t brandish it, threaten anybody with it, and he’s never been in trouble before. I was shocked,” Vaughan said. “He’s very remorseful.”

It’s the first time in Vaughan’s 41 years at the academy that he’s been faced with this situation.

The student faces permanent expulsion.

“If a student brings a gun to campus, and it’s discovered, he’s automatically suspended,” Vaughan said. “He will be indefinitely suspended until the student and parent make an appearance before the board of directors.”

The board will determine whether or not the teen is permanently expelled. The board could call a special meeting or hear the matter during its regularly scheduled Dec. 13 meeting.