Christmas in Suffolk website debuts

Published 9:14 pm Monday, November 22, 2010

With the approach of the Christmas season in Suffolk, one website is collecting all the information you need to know to plan your family’s attendance at community events and worship services throughout the holidays.

The Christmas in Suffolk website,, also lists popular charities and gift ideas. The site is the brainchild of Tom Powell, president and creative director at the Addison Group.

“Every event that happens in Suffolk, whether it’s for the city or it’s a church function or whatever, is on the site,” Powell said. “The purpose is just to have one location with all the events.”

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Powell started the project four years ago when he realized there was no single platform where every holiday-related event in the city was promoted. The city publicized its own events, and each individual organization or church promoted theirs.

“I thought, let’s put all this in one place,” Powell said. “It’s grown into kind of a popular culture thing for Suffolk.”

New this year, Powell has made the site more user-friendly and interactive. Readers can submit their own events, as well. The site also now works with iPads and smart phones, Powell said.

In addition to community events like the Christmas parade and holiday shows at the Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts, the site also features church events, charities including the Suffolk News-Herald Cheer Fund and Toys for Tots, and gift ideas from area retailers.

Powell also manages to unobtrusively remind visitors to the site of the real reason for the season.

“The best gift doesn’t come in a bag,” says one ad on the website. “It came in a manger … and she shall bring forth a son, and call his name Jesus — Matt. 1:21.”

“Simply put, Christmas is the birthday of Christ,” Powell said. “Me being a Christian, that is a big deal to me.”