Police investigate shooting
Published 8:38 pm Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Suffolk Police are investigating a shooting incident involving a retired Suffolk police officer that occurred early Thursday morning last week.
Police report that just before 3 a.m. on Jan. 13, a man who lives in the 1300 block of Whitemarsh Road was awakened by the sound of his dog barking. He looked outside and saw a man attempting to load a dog transport crate from his yard into the back of a pickup truck, according to city spokeswoman Debbie George.
The man, retired police officer Charles A. Duck, retrieved a gun and yelled at the man through the window to move to the front of his vehicle. The man in the yard jumped into his truck through the passenger door, while Duck fired several shots at the vehicle. Police were contacted and responded to the residence.
At about 3 a.m., Quamaine Lassiter, 20, arrived at Sentara Obici Hospital by personal vehicle with a gunshot wound to the head. He said he was shot by someone passing him in a vehicle as he walked along Lake Kennedy Drive. Lassiter was later transferred to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, where he was treated and released.
According to George, the bullet had lodged under Lassiter’s scalp but did not penetrate his skull.
Police recovered a possible suspect vehicle, with bullet holes in it, on Oak Street, George added.
Though no charges have yet been filed, George said police believe Lassiter is the same man who was shot in Duck’s front yard.
“The investigation is continuing,” George said. “[Police] are going to get all the information they possibly can and compare it with the physical evidence.”
Anyone who has information is asked to call Crime Line at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP. Callers to Crime Line never have to give their names or appear in court, and may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.