DAV hosts Super Bowl event

Published 11:06 pm Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday, for many people, is a time to gather with friends and family, eat and root for your favorite team. On Sunday, the Chapter 5 Disabled American Veterans group did just that.

“It was a lot of fun,” said Alexander Blizzard, adjutant for the DAV.

The group invited veterans and their family to come watch the game at the group’s facility on South Saratoga Street. Between 75 and 100 people attended the annual party, said Clarence Lee, senior vice commander.

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The partygoers spent the first few hours socializing and eating finger foods, but “Once the game came no, everyone was silent,” Blizzard said.

The organization hosts social events for most special occasions, but as Blizzard said, the DAV has a greater purpose. The mission of the DAV is to serve veterans and to build better lives for veterans and their families, he said.

The organization fills out paperwork for veterans to help them obtain the benefits they are due for their military service, Blizzard said. They help veterans file for disability, find jobs and housing.

“If they are down on their luck, we try to assist them in any way we can,” Blizzard said.

The DAV also sponsors a food bank that is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and a soup kitchen every other Wednesday. The food programs are focused on helping veterans, but nobody is turned down, Lee said.

Local DAV chapters operate on funds raised from thrift stores that DAV operates, Lee said. The funds raised are split among the local chapters. DAV also operates on donations and fundraisers.

There are 13 chapters in the area, Lee said. Chapter 5 is unique because it also helps the community and its members help to fund the programs.