Enjoy our new twist on ‘Horizons’

Published 7:38 pm Saturday, February 26, 2011

In the world of daily newspapers, the front page so often winds up carrying nothing but news about crime, court and car accidents.

We at the Suffolk News-Herald like to avoid that as much as possible. You’ll often find on our front page inspiring stories about local residents, young and old, striving to make a difference.

Even so, we still don’t have enough room to tell about all the things that make our community great. That’s why our annual “Strides” edition is such a valuable resource — for you and for us.

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Formerly called “Horizons,” Strides features some of the best our community has to offer. Great people, historic places and abstract ideas that define the city — all can be found in Strides.

Besides a new name, this year’s publication also sports a new glossy cover and is printed in tabloid format, rather than the broadsheet size of the newspaper. These changes seek to make the edition more of a keepsake than in the past.

We enjoy putting together the stories you find in Strides because it gives us an opportunity to break away from the grind of the daily newspaper and feature those people, places and things we don’t always get the opportunity to put in the Suffolk News-Herald.

But more importantly, we hope you enjoy reading about your neighbors, places you’ve visited (or might like to visit) and things you’ve always wondered about.

We welcome your input on this new twist on a community favorite. Drop us a line by calling 934-9616, emailing news@suffolknewsherald.com or commenting on our Facebook page.