Police investigate abduction report

Published 9:49 pm Saturday, February 26, 2011

Suffolk police are investigating a report by an 11-year-old girl that she was abducted at her bus stop and molested.

The young girl told police that she was abducted about a month ago by a masked man after getting off her bus at Bradford and Camellia drives in the Huntersville area, city spokeswoman Debbie George said. She reported being forced into a vehicle and taken to an unknown location, where she was fondled.

The girl said the man then returned her to her bus stop.

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The incident was reported to police Thursday.

Police are looking into the allegations, George said. The girl gave a description of a white male or a black male with a light complexion. Police also have a vehicle description of a red Chevrolet Impala.

Anyone who has information is asked to call Crime Line at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP. Callers to Crime Line never have to give their names or appear in court, and may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.