StoneBridge gets new headmaster
Published 10:18 pm Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rolfe Carawan, new headmaster at StoneBridge School, stands with the sign welcoming people to StoneBridge School. Carawan plans to use his experience as an educator and business owner to benefit the school.
Rolfe Carawan recently returned to the education field as the head of school at StoneBridge School.
Carawan began his new duties last month. He brings with him several years of experience as an educator and business owner that he hopes to put to good use as headmaster.
“It’s quite an adventure,” he said. “Being part of a school that is committed to a Biblical worldview is very compelling.”
Carawan grew up in the Great Bridge section of Chesapeake, graduating from Great Bridge High School in 1974. He earned his undergraduate degree in physical education at William and Mary. He earned his master’s degree in education there, as well, began teaching in the Tidewater area.
He taught and coached football for eight years at such schools as Hampton Roads Academy, Lafayette High School, Great Bridge High School and Norfolk Academy before moving to Seattle where he began his public speaking career.
In Seattle, he spoke to school groups about leadership and character development.
This experience led him to begin speaking nationally to adults at a variety of corporations and associations. He has been speaking professionally on the topic of leadership development for 10 years.
Carawan returned to Virginia in 2005 to help Congressman Randy Forbes develop the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation.
A member of the board at StoneBridge contacted Carawan about becoming headmaster because of his experience as an educator and business owner. They felt he would be a good fit because he could lead them in a direction of growth and expansion in the Tidewater region.
“As I thought about it, and thought about how we could affect the next generation, it was an exciting prospect for me,” he said.
After speaking with parents and former students, Carawan decided to take the job because he was pleased with what he was hearing and he agreed with the mission of the school. The school offers a historical Biblical education that helps develop young men and women morally and mentally.
“Our country is at a crucial point politically,” he said. “There is a whole generation not aware of that whole link between morality and liberty.”
His vision for the school is to distinguish it from other private and Christian schools through strengthening programs, developing leaders and fostering a strong athletic program. His vision is to develop the school into a strong, viable Christian leadership academy.
“We want to continue on the strong tradition of individualized attention to children, that has been the DNA of the school,” he said. “We are focusing on creating and developing strong leaders who are mentally, morally and physically fit,” he said.
Carawan will continue his public speaking career while working at the school.
“It works well because I can share with them some of the important things we are doing at StoneBridge here as well,” he said.