Fox killed after rampage

Published 10:09 pm Monday, May 9, 2011

Working under the belief that it is the same one that bit two children on Friday, Suffolk Animal Control officers have sent away for testing a fox that was killed by a dog in North Suffolk on Saturday.

Officers continue to investigate two reports of a fox chasing and biting children in the 3800 block of Pughsville Road on Friday.

Police were called to the first incident at about 7:30 p.m., where they learned that a 7-year-old girl and two other children were playing in a small pool behind a home when the girl was bitten twice on the chin by the fox.

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The girl’s mother heard her screaming and then saw her daughter being chased around the yard by the fox. As the mother attempted to intervene, the fox began to chase her and bit her pants leg, according to Suffolk officials. The mother yelled for someone to let the family dog outside as she ran to a vehicle to get away from the fox. The dog then chased the fox away.

The girl was treated for her injuries at a local medical facility and was released, city officials said in a press release.

At about 9:30 p.m., police were called back to the same area, where they found a 13-year-old boy who said he had been standing outside with another child when a fox attacked and bit him.

The teen told police that he had yelled and kicked at the fox, but the animal continued its attack until a neighbor came outside and scared it away, the press release stated.

The boy was treated for his injuries at a nearby medical facility and was released. Animal control officers placed traps in the area in an effort to catch the animal.

But the following afternoon, at about 1 p.m., another resident in the same area heard her dog growling and barking in the front yard. Going outside, she found that Thunder, her pet Shar-Pei, had killed a fox, sustaining scratches to both legs in the fight, officials said in the release.

The fox has been sent to a lab for rabies tests, which animal control officers expect to be available later in the week.

In light of the incidents, animal control officers issued the following guidelines for dealing with wild animals:

  • Vaccinate all pets against rabies.
  • Feed pets indoors and keep them leashed or fenced on your property.
  • Make your home and yard animal proof by capping chimneys, blocking openings in attics and under decks and sheds.
  • Store garbage in secure containers.
  • Do not feed wild animals or strays.
  • Do not handle wild animals or strays, and use heavy gloves or other tools when contact is necessary.
  • If you see wildlife such as foxes, raccoons or opossums during the day, report them to Animal Control. Do the same if you or one of your animals are bitten or scratched by wild animals.