Recycling bins expected in August
Published 3:31 pm Saturday, July 23, 2011

Clean recycling: This new truck owned by TFC Recycling runs on natural gas, which should help save about 321 barrels of oil a year. Eventually, similar trucks will pick up Suffolk residents’ recycling cans.
You asked: When will we receive our bins for the new citywide recycling program?
Answer: The new recycling bins should be delivered during the second week of August if everything goes according to schedule.
That’s the word from Ed Farmer, vice president for business development at TFC Recycling.
“We’re working on the logistics with the city,” Farmer said.
Once residents receive their cans, they can immediately begin dumping all kinds of material into the bins, including mixed paper such as newspapers, magazines, mail and inserts, cardboard, paperboard, aluminum, steel and tin cans, plastic bottles and glass containers.
Collection will start on Sept. 1. Each can will be picked up twice a month on the regular trash day. The city’s garbage routes will be split in two — for example, among the residents whose trash is picked up on Tuesday, half will put their recycling cans out one week, and the other half will have theirs picked up the next week.
When the cans are delivered, they will come with details on what can be thrown in the can and information on the Recycling Perks program, Farmer said.
Recycling Perks works by tracking each household’s participation via a small electronic chip in the can. People who participate can go online, using information included in their packet, and choose benefits to receive in exchange for their participation, such as grocery store coupons.
“That’s basically free money we’re giving away,” Farmer said.
As for households that formerly were a part of TFC’s subscription-based program in the city, they already receive curbside recycling service every other week. They no longer will receive bills in the mail — instead, every household will pay the new $17.50 refuse fee as a part of their real estate property tax every June and December.
The residents who already receive the curbside service by subscription will not be billed for July and August. Those who already paid those bills should receive refunds automatically, Farmer said.
Farmer extended his thanks to all the residents — about 1,500 — who paid $12 a month for the last year to get the subscription service.
“They helped get the citywide service,” he said. “By those people setting the precedent, it helped effect change.”
For more information on TFC Recycling, visit or call 543-5766.
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