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PDCCC fall orientation coming soon

Published 9:49 pm Thursday, July 28, 2011

By Patsy Joyner

Registration is under way for fall semester. Make this fall count by choosing from several options: traditional classes or online offerings for educational access at a distance — or workforce training and development classes for upgrading job skills and preparing for a new career.

For registration details or information on particular programs or courses, call 569-6700. Let Paul D. Camp help you get ahead.

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New student orientation

To help make the transition to college, all new students are required to attend a New Student Orientation Aug. 19. Participants have the choice of attending a session either from noon to 2 p.m. or from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Hobbs Suffolk campus, the Franklin campus or the college’s center in Smithfield.

The agenda will include a review of the new student orientation handout; information on procedures and processes (schedules, textbooks, special dates, and so on); overviews on student responsibilities, financial aid, Student Support Services, student activities, the Learning Resource Center, and using technology; a student/faculty panel discussion on “Getting the Most out of your College Experience,” followed by a question and answer session; and a tour.

For more information, call Dr. Harriette Arrington, Dean of the Hobbs Suffolk Campus, at 925-6302.

Career Switcher Program

Looking for a career change? Consider the Virginia Community College System Career Switcher Program, which is offered through the Division of Workforce Development at Paul D. Camp Community College. This fast-track program provides professionals with bachelor’s degrees an opportunity to become teachers in critically needed subject areas. Following are details derived from the VCCS website.

An alternative path to teacher licensure, the Career Switcher Program through the Virginia Community College System, is designed to attract individuals from various occupational and life experiences to become classroom teachers, thereby increasing the quality and diversity of applicants to the profession.

The good news for those considering a career switch to teaching is that the traditional four-year teacher training programs are no longer the only way to satisfy state certification requirements. Now, experienced professionals with baccalaureates who are seeking a career change have a way to enter the teaching profession on a fast track.

The Career Switcher Alternative Route to Licensure Program in Virginia was created in response to critical teachers shortages, particularly in math and science, and as a way to attract individuals who have considerable life experiences, career achievements and academic backgrounds suited to the teaching profession.

For more information on the benefits and requirements, call Betsy Brantley, Career Switcher Advisor, at 569-6709.

For details on other programs available at the college, call 569-6700, or visit