Looking for some ‘human kindness’

Published 8:02 pm Monday, August 1, 2011

To the editor:

I’m conducting an experiment in “human kindness,” and I’m establishing Suffolk as my place of testing.

My daughter recently left for basic training in Great Lakes, Ill. She wants to join her brothers in serving our country in the military. My two oldest sons joined the Army, and both served overseas, and my younger son is currently serving in Baghdad.

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However, things are not going well at all for my daughter, and she is beginning to doubt her decision. She doesn’t doubt her decision to serve our country; she just doubts her ability to make it through the tough training.

Mostly, she is desperately homesick. This is her first time away from home, and she feels abandoned, because she doesn’t receive much mail at mail call every day.

I’m the only one who has been writing her because her friends haven’t taken the time to do so. I tried to explain to her that it is difficult sometimes for young people to actually take time out of their day to sit down and write a letter or take time out to send a card. They don’t understand that in this case, it isn’t the “thought that counts.”

I recently read an article in this newspaper about supporting our troops, so here’s an opportunity for everyone to take a personal step in supporting a member of the military.

It would be great if everyone/anyone would send a letter, a card or a simple note of encouragement to show her that sometimes it is the “kindness of strangers” that can get us through the tough times in our lives.

I believe there is much human kindness in Suffolk. Here’s your chance to prove me right.

Send your mail to:

Collins, Keturah R

Ship 12, Div 287

Recruit Training Command

3515 Sailor Drive

Great Lakes, IL


Thank you,

Gia Sams