Wishing students good luck

Published 9:37 pm Wednesday, September 7, 2011

For many families around Suffolk, Tuesday was a day full of conflicting emotions.

Young people might have found themselves feeling depressed about the end of their summer vacations, while at the same time glad to reconnect with friends that they left at school back in June.

Many of their parents were overcome with a sense of relief at the prospect of getting their bored kids out of the house and back to school again. Others, especially those who were sending new kindergarteners off for the first time, wrestled with the pride and pain of seeing those little ones pass an important milestone in their young lives.

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For teachers and school administrators, the first day of school is a chance to see a fresh set of faces and wonder which will be the ones to soak up the educational opportunities they’re given this year, which will be the ones to surprise everyone with their progress — and even which will be the heartbreaking disappointments in years to come.

By now, most of the emotions have had a couple of days to settle, and parents, students and teachers, alike, have had a chance to begin to settle into routines. From the pealing of the alarm clock in the morning to first bell at the beginning of the school day to the slamming of books closing on homework assignments at the end of the night, all around Suffolk one can hear the sounds of the city’s students adjusting to their new schedules.

These are the sounds of young minds being exercised, the sounds of the future being built, the sounds of hope growing in homes all around the city.

We wish for this year’s students — from kindergarteners to seniors, whether in public or in private school — a school year full of new discoveries, one that is bursting with opportunity, abounding in success and resonant with the buzz of friendship and happiness.