City’s support is appreciated

Published 10:25 pm Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It’s been said that it takes a village to raise a child, and I recently have come to believe that.

Several weeks ago I requested assistance from the citizens of Suffolk in the form of letters to my daughter, who was not progressing well in naval basic training.

As evidenced in today’s announcement of her graduation from basic training, she was successful, and much of that success was due to the encouragement she received from the many people who sent her letters, notes, and packages during the past few weeks.

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Many of those who wrote did so anonymously or requested to remain anonymous, but I wish I could personally thank them all. To all of you who wrote, please know that Keturah appreciated every word of every letter you sent, and she has been responding to the letters she has received as quickly as possible.

Keturah received packages from churches that included letters from their youth members, frequent letters from one woman who sent her clips from the comics that Keturah said cheered her up tremendously and many, many other letters from people who had family members in the military and gave personal examples of the struggles they have endured.

With the 10th anniversary of the events of Sept. 11, there have been many stories in the news regarding how Americans pulled together to show empathy and support for each other in any and every way possible. I have had my own evidence of that generosity of spirit right here in Suffolk.

“Thank you” doesn’t feel like an adequate enough term to express my appreciation, but to all of you who wrote, please accept my thanks.

Gia Sams