Council to consider deputy assessor position
Published 8:39 pm Monday, December 5, 2011
The City Council meeting this week will include a decision on establishing a deputy assessor position, an amendment to the sanitary sewer plans for several Holland Road-area communities and votes to accept two grants.
The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in City Council chambers, 441 Market St. It will be preceded by a work session at 4 p.m., during which the open session includes only an update on rehabilitative structures.
If City Council passes the ordinance to create a deputy assessor position, it then will be asked to confirm the appointment of Woody Fincham as deputy assessor.
Also on the agenda, City Council will be asked to amend the sanitary sewer engineering services agreement for the Maple Hills/Forest Glen area. CenterPoint Properties has offered to construct a portion of the remaining improvements and to design the proposed Holland Road widening improvements, so additional engineering design services are needed to adjust the city’s plans.
In addition, City Council will vote on accepting a grant of $31,793 from the Obici Healthcare Foundation for the “Get Up and Get Out” after-school and summer wellness program for low-income and disadvantaged youth. The program aims to provide opportunities to increase physical activity while educating young people and their parents about healthy eating choices.
Council also will vote on accepting an $89,015 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the summer feeding program. The program provides meals to children at sites across the city during the summer.
EDITOR’S NOTE: While the city has had a deputy assessor for some time, an ordinance was never passed by City Council to officially create the position. This ordinance did that and created the ability for the deputy assessor to fill in for the assessor during absences.