Police arrest naked man

Published 9:26 pm Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Suffolk police arrested a man Saturday who allegedly was standing naked on a porch and yelling at passersby.

According to city spokeswoman Debbie George, officers responded to a suspicious person call in the 300 block of Wellons Street just before midnight on Saturday.

Upon arrival, they saw a man standing naked on the porch, yelling toward the street and causing a commotion, George said.

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Officers attempted to engage the man in conversation, but he would not respond, she said. The man began flexing his muscles.

When the man, allegedly later identified as 34-year-old Steven Durelle Perry, began clenching his fists and screaming profanities at officers, he was placed under arrest.

He is charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and indecent exposure.