Setting the record straight

Published 9:24 pm Monday, April 16, 2012

To the editor:

Much has been said and written referencing the city manager’s proposed $507 million operating budget for the fiscal year 2012-2013. Public comments have been both on and off target, and at times somewhat harsh! Let us remember, everyone has a right to their own opinion. However, they don’t have a right to their own facts.

Let me explain: The city manager does not set her own salary — only City Council has that authority. Additionally, the city manager does not set the salaries of the city attorney, city assessor or city clerk.

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At the conclusion of the budget hearings, council will vote on the salaries of the four council appointees, consider an ordinance adopting the council compensation pay plan study, set the tax rate and adopt fees for service schedule.

In conclusion, as a former 21-year council member and mayor, may I suggest that if you need more information, contact your council member, contact the city budget director and attend the April 18 City Council budget meeting.

I’ll bet City Manager Selena Cuffee-Glenn will be listening.

Andrew Damiani
