Your success story

Published 10:24 pm Friday, May 4, 2012

Guest column
By Domenick Epps

In the land of the living and in the land of the free, there has always been a distinction between the “haves” and the “have nots.”

Sometimes it seems that the poor get poorer while the rich get richer. Some people believe the blame falls on the rich for the poor remaining poor. But the separation, I believe, is not merely a result of who received the silver spoon or not, but who has the greatest desire to succeed.

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Yes, to some degree being a minority requires extra effort. I’m not naive enough to believe we live in a land of full equality. But we do live in a land of equal opportunity.

Here are a few concepts that separate the two. Asset or liability. Appreciation or depreciation. Producer or consumer. Lender or borrower. Owner or renter. And last but certainly not least — tither or non-tither.

The prophet Hosea said, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”

Though we cannot change the circumstances under which we began, we can do something about the path on which we travel. Success has no color. Success is not bound by age or other such factors.

Success my friend, has your name written all over it. Knowledge is key, and faith in God with desire to succeed will take you all the way to the top. Dream big, America and know there are no limits to what you can do through Christ Jesus. Agape!

Domenick Epps is president of Youth on FYE. Contact him at